Monday, 25 July 2011

Okay so if I won lotto I wouldn't work!!!

Well nearly 4 months off work is not a good idea....had my first shift today at Tully Hospital and I am exhausted to say the least.  Was supposed to be orientated today but when I arrived the Nurse Unit Manager who was supposed to be orientating me was looking after a labouring girl so I had to tag along with was a very long day as the she didn't end up delivering till after 4pm!!!  At least I found where the staff toilet is (after getting lost) but really I have no idea of where anything else is apart from the birthing suite - its going to be an interesting afternoon shift tomorrow!!!

Got home to find that Mal (aka the official caravan bitch now) has organised for us to go to a mid year Xmas do at the caravan park.  By the park office come supermarket there is a bar and function room and they run occasional get togethers and a dart night every week as well.  What a laugh all these grey nomads are - boy they know how to have fun and the stories they can tell.  Bit embarrassing to pike out early when most of the others (who happen to be at least 20 years older than me) are still partying away as I type this.  Mal has already made a few friends around the park today while I was busy at work....referred to tonight as the 'handsome man with the nurse sister wife' - LOL. 

Mal took Chip on his maiden voyage in the front pack on the scooter today.  Mal said he absolutely loved it, the wind in his fur, the speed, the comfy ride......(see picture in last blog)

An afternoon shift tomorrow so I can sleep in...yehaaaa

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