Monday, 24 October 2011

Time to leave beautiful Nth Qld

Well the last 3 months have gone so fast - we can't believe we have been here since July! 

The weather started to get wet last week so we got a taste of what the 'tropical wet season' is like here - not too sure that I would want to be here over the next 3-4 months.  They desperately needed the rain though as it was so dry and there were several fires that they hadn't been able to get under control around the area.  On the good side we know for sure that there are no leaks in the van and the annexe stayed nice and dry too.

Was sad to finish up at work - though 9 shifts in a row was a sly way to make me feel not so sad to leave on the final day!  I finished with a night shift so the other 2 girls on shift and I had a little party inbetween dealing with an unconscious totally anebriated 16 year old girl!! 

We were due to head off today, however Mal woke up this morning feeling a bit anxious about the state of the ute all packed up and the weight of it all with our purchases over the last 3 months.  A lot of other vanners have been talking about weights and getting pulled over etc long story short he has sadly sold the scooter to the couple who run the van park we are leaves a huge amount of room on the back of the ute now which doesn't look so weighed down anymore.  Of course we had to take a happy snap of it before he handed it over
With all that extra cash in Mals pocket I 'suggested' he shout lunch at Castaways Resort - we hadn't made it there yet so perfect opportunity on our last day to go.....we had a very nice lunch!  Yep - its great to not be working again.

So we will head off tomorrow...we are going to try free camping as much as we can on the way back down and see how the other half live.  We brought a Camps 6 book which lists all the free and very cheap camping areas and Mal has plotted out a path....if we miss 'civilisation' we can always head in to a caravan park and plug in!!!

Farewell Wongaling Beach.....

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