Monday, 8 August 2011

Ahh night duty - how do we survive it?

Phew my run of night shifts is over ...that is till Sunday when we start all over again.  Ahh the life of a contractor...crap shifts but good money.....just have to keep focused on the benefits.....

Last nights shift was flat out...had one of our inpatients in severe respiratory distress who we ended up putting on CPAP - he really needed to be in an ICU in a big hospital - hopefully thats where he was sent today.  Another patient who for her own good we had to imprison on her bed...she was screaming blue murder all night, another elderly patient (now palliative) on her way out, another patient who was in for severe constipation and had been given all sorts the day before who spent the shift exploding all over the room (and I mean that literally)....just to name a few.....gotta hand it to the nursing staff here who are fantastic and work bloody hard.

I saw an array of wildlife on my way to work over the last few nights - quite a few small kangeroos just on the side of the road..very cute.

My recent internet purchases are slowly finding their way to our campsite. We have our satellite tv system now but we are still waiting for it to be enabled as its currently scrambled.  The dish wasn't too hard to set up (despite Mal being totally confused with the whole thing initially) and despite some helpful (not) camper coming and telling us how he got rid of his because he could never find the satellite (idiot I say).  Am very much looking forward to watching Home and Away again as we haven't been able to get channel 7 for a week!!! 

It is the most beautiful sunny day today after a few days of rain (which was great for me sleeping during the day).  Chip is finding it a bit hot so he will be going for a swim and having a shower and wash this afternoon with Mal down the beach. 

Mal has been scouting around to see if there is any casual work available over the last few days while I have been sleeping.  He has spoken to some local electricians but they aren't too busy yet as so many insurance claims haven't been sorted yet - the work will come but who knows when and if we will still be here.  He went to an employment agency in Tully today and there will be banana work coming up soon....I'm not too keen on the idea after hearing about the high incidence of leptosporosis and dehanding injuries that come in to the hospital from the banana plantations.....

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