Monday, 1 August 2011

Trip to Cairns

Another city in Oz to tick off the list - we have now officially been to Cairns.  We thought it was a very nice city and doesn't feel too big but has good shopping and the esplanade is lovely.  We got all the items on our list while the DMax was in having its service and then went to lunch at a restaurant on the esplanade.  Lots of tourists around and the pool down there was really busy. Went and had a look at the hospital - boy thats in prime real estate. 

Had to laugh when we were in Bunnings - they sell toad spray....can't see how that would be more humane than whacking them with a cricket bat. Was talking about toads and dogs with the girls at work and found out that if dogs lick them they get a high - however if the toad gets annoyed with the dog and squirts out the poisonous stuff from behind their ears they could kill them.  Apparently teenagers up the line used to have toad licking parties rather than sniffing glue or petrol - dunno whats worse.

I came home with more horror stories of creepies for Mal and have now put him off banana picking too (not that there is any banana picking going on up here yet).  One of the girls at work used to do that and was telling me about the huge rats that come running out at you and the snakes that sliver up your arm....gross!

Had a really busy morning shift at work on Sunday - A&E was really busy and ended up taking 2 staff rather than one which left only two staff on the ward which was already reasonably busy and had 4 admissions while also trying to organise a transfer of a very sick 8 year old up to Cairns - thank god we didn't get a girl in in labour!!  To make matters worse the four of us on had all done a PM shift the day before so were stuffed when we started - I really do need to win lotto!!!

Chip had his day at daycare today - don't think he got much rest from the other dogs so is now absolutely stuffed.  When I picked him up they had done a laminated calendar with his photo on it - reminded me of kindy days picking up the kids and being presented with their artwork to take home....hahahaha.

Don't think I have mentioned the couple we have met here at the camp who come from our own home town in NZ.  I thought they looked familiar and funnily enough they have exactly the same caravan as us - we got chatting and it all fell in to place.  Boy its a small world!

One more day here and then we move back to Mission Beach which we are both really looking forward to. 

Have also ordered an annexe for the caravan which we should get in about 3 weeks, a satellite dish for the TV as reception around these parts is crap and we miss our programmes, and a new table leg for the van which allows you to swing the table right out of the way...Mal is going to be very busy sorting those all out when they arrive.

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