Saturday, 7 April 2012


We drove from Queanbeyan to Numeralla on Thursday 5 April and free camped at the Badja Recreation Reserve alongside the Badja river for two nights.  Numeralla is a tiny settlement of only about 50 people around 20 minutes drive from Cooma - up by the Snowy Mountains.  It was a lovely quiet place to camp with only a couple of other people coming and going while we were there. 

Chip had a swim in the had a bit of a bank to get in to the river and at one time he 'fell' head first in to the water - it was hilarious.  Here is a piccie of our set up there - not much to do but sit, relax, read, drink get the picture!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys and Chip...looks like a lovely grassy spot on the Badja River. We finished the bottle of wine for dinner yesterday that you kindly brought over the other night. You also inspired me to go back to the War Memorial to see the closing ceremony.
    Love your blog, keep it up.
    Safe travels!
    Phil & Marina


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