Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Another two days off so we mucked around the caravan yesterday and did some more bits and pieces (I keep coming up with ways to make more space!!!) and had a lovely lunch at the Dockside Cafe by the new marina by the bridge to NSW in Mildura – here’s a piccie…its a lovely spot for a nice meal and wine :)

Today we drove to Wentworth which is back in to NSW.  The Darling and Murray rivers meet there and there is another lock which we wanted to have a look at.  Piccies below
the old court house
the Demon...old machinery
Lock 10
Lock 10
the junction of the Darling & Murray Rivers
We also stopped off to have a look through the old gaol.  Thank god we weren’t around in those days – makes prisons today look like hotels that’s for sure! Click on the photos to make bigger...some of the explanations are very interesting, particularly about the Salvation Army women!
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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Mungo National Park

Had a great week at work – a couple of lovely births and a handful of challenging ones too!  July has sure proven to be busy for the unit and we have overflowed on to other wards a couple of times during the week.
Mal hasn’t had any bites on his ads in the local paper for handyman work or from his flyers which he posted around the area, however I am keeping him busy with bits and bobs on the caravan and getting us ready to put our solar panels on etc.  He is also busy studying electrical stuff so that he can renew his registration ready for a job in Perth which is where we have decided we will settle for a while in a few months time. I have extended my contract here till the end of September – although they keep trying to talk me in to staying for good.  They are so short staffed already and have 3 more staff leaving for different reasons over the next few weeks.  Mildura is a nice place but it doesn’t seem to be overflowing with work for Mal.  Will be good to be around till spring though.
Had a day off today so we put Chip in a local kennel for the day so we could head out to Mungo National Park.  We were going to go on an organised tour but the times didn’t suit with dropping Chip off, and it seemed a bit expensive at $120 each when you can do a self guided tour with brochures from the Information Centre.  The park is 110km north-east of Mildura (actually in NSW) with 88km of that on dirt unsealed road.  If it rains they close the road pretty quickly – we were worried that it might rain while we were out there and we wouldn’t be able to get back, but the rain held off till we were back on sealed road on our way home! The Park lies within the Willandra Lakes Regions World Heritage Area.  There is evidence of around 40,000 years of human occupation in the area.  A large raised area of ‘lunettes’ called the Walls of China contain evidence of campfires, cooking hearths and burial sites.
Here are some photos of our days outing -
Driving on the dirt track in to the National Park
driving in to Mungo Nat Park
Mal being a dipshit
All along the way we came across Emus…most ran away when we approached but these ones were a bit more leisurely
emus (3)
Mungo Nat Park (2)
Mungo Nat Park
The Walls of China are the main attraction at the National Park – they run along a huge area and have lovely colours of sand and lunettes – quite amazing scenery
below are a panoramic view of the Walls
walls of china
wall of china (2) wall of china (3) wall of china (4) wall of china (5) wall of china (6) wall of china (7)
and here are the closer photos of the amazing landscape
lookout of walls of china lunettes of walls of china (2) lunettes of walls of china (3) lunettes of walls of china (4)
This memorial was infront of the Walls of China lookout – its for a Tour Guide that died
memorial for tour guide
By the Information Centre is the Mungo Woolshed which was constructed in 1869 made from locally hand cut Cypress Pine (which is termite resistant - otherwise it wouldn't still be standing!!)
old woolshed (2) old woolshed
We headed to Mungo Lodge for lunch – lovely quiche and salad with a wine and beer of course!
Mungo Lodge
On the way out of the Park we stopped off to have a closer look at a wrecked car which has been made in to a piece of art…on closer inspection it had a number of very wise statements punched in to pieces of tin - if you click on a photo if will open bigger and you will be able to read them
the signed car (2) the signed car (3) the signed car (4) the signed car (5) the signed car (6) the signed car (7) the signed car
No need to say that Chip was wrapt to see us when we got back to the kennel :)