Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Richmond to Yass

We headed off from Richmond in the morning - a frost overnight and it was bloody cold - the little oil heater we brought went right back to the shop in the morning as its not enough to keep the caravan toasty and warm and I can't get out of bed if its cold!
We had a good drive in lovely weather through to Yass - guess thats the pay off for a frosty start, a lovely sunny day.
We tried Chip out in his soft sided crate which is how he is going to travel from now on to try and stop the nonsense whining in the car when we slow down or indicate.  He did seem a lot better in it - gee I would love to travel in it, nice and warm and cosy....lucky bugger.  Here is a photo of him travelling yesterday
We stopped off in Goulburn for lunch – bit weird being back there, then headed through to Yass our overnight stop. 
This morning we have woken to –6 degrees – we knew it was going to be nasty cold so we had the heaters on full bore last night – am sure we have used over $26 of the camp fee on power alone.  Its so cold this morning that the water taps have frozen so I am waiting in bed till I can get out and have a shower.
We are going to head through to Wagga Wagga and if the camp is nice stay for a couple of days to catch up on washing and grab some bits and pieces for the caravan – and maybe do some touristy stuff too!

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