Monday, 11 June 2012

Stonehenge, Arundel & Brighton

We headed straight to Salisbury plains to see Stonehenge this morning -  something I have been wanting to see since I saw a photo of them in a book as a child.  Built about 700 years after the pyramids - 2000BC. No one knows for sure what they actually are although there are a lot of theories. They can be used to track cycles of the moon and seasons and perhaps read the stars - or even as a landing area for spaceships ( I like that theory).

After being warned yesterday that there would be heaps of tourists and the stones are roped off, I had prepared myself for being disappointed. However, I was still thrilled to see them! There were heaps of tourists but got a good look at them and the all important photos!

We then stopped in Salisbury for lunch. We have been trying to find  a traditional cornish pastie which are apparently half savory and half sweet (a full meal - the coal miners used to eat these underground) but we haven't found one so we  got a traditional meat and veg one while we could. We went halves as it was huge - it was delicious.  Salisbury was pretty quiet being a Sunday and rainy but seems a nice place and has some lovely old pubs.  It also has the highest church spire in England.

Our next stop was in Arundel for toilet stop and photos of the Arundel castle. The castle is home of the Duke  and Duchess of Norfolk and has been in the family for nearly 1000 years.  You can tour through it but unfortunately we didn't have enough time. The pictures in the brochure look magnificent.

Then we travelled through to Brighton. Unfortunately the weather has turned again. We had a look at the royal pavilion which is very fancy then went for a walk through the shops. We found a collection of humorous shops and had fun picking out some things to play tricks on the bus and tour guide tomorrow on our last day.

After dinner a group of us braved the crappy weather and hit the local casino. I came out £45 up on the pokies and Mal came out £10 up on cards and roulette.

Its still bucketing down outside - we hope it clears up tomorrow for our last day in England!

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